The Pros and Cons of Seasonal Jobs

No matter what side of the hiring process you’re on, everyone could use some guidance sometimes! However you decide to build your business or your career, Top Applicant is here with real-world recommendations to help you through every season of your career. Here’s what employers and employees should know when considering seasonal jobs. 

Feel free to jump ahead for employer-focused pros and cons.

Pros and Cons for Employers

For Employees

To kick things off, we feel it’s important for employers and future employees alike to understand the intricacies of seasonal jobs. Everyone’s career starts somewhere! So, before you start applying for a seasonal position, here are the common pros and cons you should consider:


  • It Won’t Last Forever

We’ll be honest, not every job you take will be a highlight on your resume. However, that shouldn’t stop you from learning as much as you can! One of the best things you can learn from a seasonal job is how to make the most out of every day. 

These jobs typically only require a few months of work, so it’s important to celebrate every win on the clock, no matter how small. This will not only help you get through those tough days, but it will also provide you with valuable lessons you can bring to your next position!

  • Unique Experiences

How can a summer spent scanning blueprints help an entrepreneur get their start? Every seasonal job comes with great experience, no matter how glamorous the work is. While our founder, Chad, may not be chained to the copier anymore, he used that experience to build his work ethic and Top Applicant!

Related: The Value of Summer Jobs

a woman helps a boy at her seasonal job

While we hope your seasonal job doesn’t stink as bad as one of our founders’ first positions, we urge you to look for value in everything you do on the clock. Some days may feel like you’re just putting in hours, but you’re doing much more than you think! Top Applicant always encourages our users to put down every position on their resume. You never know what experiences might translate from a past position!

  • Extra $$$

This is one of the most obvious reasons people seek a seasonal position. For most employees, this type of work focuses on supplementing an income, not sustaining one. These positions may not pay as well as a full-time job, but they can help with bills around the holidays and bridge the gap for teachers and students in the summer!

No matter why you’re looking for a seasonal job, it’s important to keep your interests and your career in mind. Seasonal jobs are a great way to build your resume and your bank account without making a huge commitment! But unfortunately, some drawbacks come with seasonal work as well.


  • Seasonal Isn’t Steady 

We recommend looking elsewhere if you’re looking for a steady, reliable paycheck. Seasonal jobs may help supplement a resume and your bank account for a few months. However, these positions are not a reliable way to regularly make ends meet. 

Landscaping is a great example of this. These jobs are typically lucrative and require little training, which makes them look like a great position on paper. But when you’re only making an income for 3 to 5 months, how are you going to get by for the rest of the year? When you get a seasonal job, always be on the lookout for year-round employment as well. 

  • Labor Over Learning

There are many great soft skills to be learned from seasonal jobs. But to get into more specialized fields, you’ll need more than just on-the-job training. Seasonal work typically provides far fewer opportunities for training and learning than year-round positions.

a woman and a man work at their seasonal flower market jobs

That’s because these positions are largely labor-driven, entry-level positions. For example, retail positions heat up around the holidays because stores need help meeting the demands of the season. With limited responsibility and a fast-paced environment, growth opportunities are few and far between in these positions.

  • Is It Really Worth the Pay?

The answer to this question is different for everyone because every situation is unique. A seasonal job can help make ends meet easier. However, seasonal jobs come with hidden costs as well. To explain this further, let’s take a look at seasonal event-based jobs.

These seasonal jobs can come up throughout the year, making it a great way to get involved in your community and snag a sneak peek behind the scenes. But we always urge job seekers to think about the bigger picture. So, before you take a seasonal job, ask yourself, “Is this position really worth my time, energy, and effort?

For Employers

Seasonal jobs take on a different meaning for employers. While employees enjoy additional income and flexibility, your business will experience new responsibilities with every season. 

That’s why having a clear picture of what your positions will look like is crucial to integrating seasonal workers into your company culture. Here are the pros and cons managers should consider before bringing on seasonal workers:


  • Seasonal Jobs Save Money

Hiring seasonal workers can be more cost-effective than bringing on full-time workers. This is simply because you don’t have to invest in the long-term benefits for these workers. 

Instead of year-round pay and full benefits packages, you can keep staffing costs under control while meeting seasonal demand. When you keep HR, accounting, and your customers happy, profitability is one less problem on your plate!

a seasonal staff member helps at an office
  • Better Busy Seasons

Speaking of taking things off your plate, we recommend giving your team a leg up when they need it most! Seasonal jobs are a great way to get through a busy season without having to trim the fat in the future.

The temporary nature of these positions makes them a great way to manage a workforce for the long haul. Instead of asking full-time employees to put in extra hours, spread out manageable tasks to seasonal workers when you can. This leads to less burnout and more ways to find talented workers as full-time positions open up! Learn more about temp positions with our related reading:

Related: Pros and Cons of Temp Workers

  • Build a Deeper Bench

Everyone’s roster always needs refreshing now and then. Whether you’re trading in your fantasy league or bringing on a new employee, who you have on your roster is important! Seasonal jobs are a great way to find hungry employees ready to make an impact.

Think about it this way—if someone is performing well with minimal training, entry-level pay, and little to no benefits, how do you think they’d perform in a full-time position? Seasonal jobs are often overlooked because of the temporary nature of these positions. But that doesn’t mean you should overlook valuable team members when you find them!


  • Changing With the Seasons 

One of the biggest problems with seasonal jobs is that everything changes with the seasons. Your applicant pool may be flooded in the summer, but if you need help when things cool down, an oasis can turn into a desert fast.

To keep your resume pile warm, you’ll need to keep these positions interesting year-round. That’s why Top Applicant created completely customizable job listings that provide transparency on details like seasonality, benefits, and more!

  • Loyalty Isn’t a Requirement

While finding that gem of an employee is possible, you will likely have to do a lot of digging to get there. Sourcing full-time employees from seasonal jobs may be a great way to build loyalty for some. But not everyone in these positions may be looking for full-time work!

Related: Part-Time Works!

a man carries a box for his seasonal job
  • Hidden Costs of Seasonal Work

While seasonal workers may seem like a more affordable staffing option, everything comes at a price. Alongside regular wages, you’ll need to plan for additional supervision, facilitation, and onboarding costs. As you consider offering seasonal jobs, we suggest knowing your yearly budget inside and out.

Top Applicant’s Verdict

So, how can you benefit from a seasonal job? Whether you’re building a career or helping others build theirs, these positions are an exceptional experience! If you’re still weighing the pros and cons of these positions for yourself, consider our experts’ final word.

For Employees

While seasonal jobs are great ways to build experience and dip your toes into different industries, it’s important to decide what type of work works best for you. Your career can’t afford to take a summer break. That’s why we suggest learning all of your options and making a clear plan! Seasonal work can boost your career beyond expectations, but before you dive in, prepare yourself. Build a resume that works and learn about your top options this summer with Top Applicant.

Build With Us

Read: Hot Summer Jobs

seasonal restaurant workers look at each other

For Employers

Every season comes with its own challenges for your business. So, how will you rise to the occasion? Offering seasonal jobs can prevent burnout, cover seasonal demands, or just make sure your lawn stays tidy. But before you call your local classified column in the paper, build your profile with the modern way to hire! Get matched with great employees ready to work for you right here.

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