Pros and Cons of Temp Work

Employers Ask: What Are the Pros and Cons of Temp Workers?

You may be a go-to resource at your company now. But who can you turn to for the hard questions you face? Top Applicant’s hiring experts are here to guide businesses through some of the most pressing questions on managers’ minds everywhere. This time, employers ask Top Applicant about the pros and cons of temp work.

Temporary Workers

Before we dive too deep into how temp workers can work for you, it’s important to understand what a temp is. Temporary workers are typically only needed for a few months out of the year for positions that don’t require much specialization. There are hundreds of temp agencies all around the US, getting employers through tough times and helping employees hit their stride.

Temporary workers help tackle the small tasks that your full-time staff doesn’t have time to do. While temps may be tempting, keep in mind that the work is temporary. Hiring temp workers is meant to scale growth and get projects done, not replace full-time employees.


Many of the pros of hiring temporary workers come from successful businesses of many shapes and sizes. There are many ways to empower your business, but at the end of the day, your success depends on execution. Our experts have found success with temp workers because of these reasons:

A temporary worker performs his seasonal job in a coffeeshop

1. Seasonal Work

Part-time and full-time work is a great way to have reliable employees all year round. But not every business needs an assistant or gardener every season of the year. That’s when seasonal workers come in handy! To hire efficiently, temp workers are a great option.

2. Flexible Hours 

Instead of asking your full-time employees to add another 4 hours to their shift, temp workers can shoulder those longer nights or early mornings. Because temps are typically not specialized positions, your staff can focus on the important things and get home at a reasonable hour! 

3. Easy Screening

Any respectable temp agency has already completed a background check on their temp workers. In the spirit of saving staff time, temp workers help save paperwork on HR’s behalf. But the screening doesn’t stop when the contract is signed! Some businesses find potential new hires to add to their team after the contract is up. This is one of the best ways to expose your business to a new hiring pool while also getting stuff done.


The biggest faults businesses experience with temp workers are sometimes avoidable. As we stated before, your success depends on how effectively you use your employees. In our collective decades of experience hiring and getting hired, we’ve found these common faults in temp workers:

a temporary worker is frustrated with her work at her desk

1. Not Always Reliable

Simply put, there’s a reason that someone gets into temp work. This type of employee has a reputation for lower work ethics and increased flight risks. While some may find their calling at your company, not every temp worker is cut out to go full-time.

Con 2. Limited Skillsets

High-level tasks can’t be headed up by someone who’s not invested in your company. So, while temp workers can spread out work for important tasks, they’re likely not specialists. If you’re looking for driven workers focused on results, you may want to consider offering freelance positions.

When to Hire Freelance

Con 3. It’s Just Labor

At the end of the day, a temp knows they’re just a helping hand. The majority of temp workers are in seasonal, facilitation-focused jobs. This type of work typically comes without the buy-in that part-time and full-time employees have. So, make sure to only rely on temp workers when you need them most!

Lasting Impact

The work may be temporary, but the effect these positions can have on your company means everything to future success. As you weigh the pros and cons of temp work, make sure your entire team is on the same page. Look at how work is currently distributed, and focus on maximizing your team’s efficiency first. This will help you only hire the right amount of people for the positions you need them in most.

a woman reaches out her hand to accept a temp job in a conference room

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