Work Meets Life: Jobs for Stay-At-Home Parents

Being a stay-at-home parent can be a wonderful opportunity for you and your family! However, whether it’s to help with bills or to fulfill your own personal sense of purpose outside of parenthood, there are many reasons to work as a stay-at-home parent. Luckily, there are more jobs for stay-at-home parents than ever before. From jump-starting your career to making your next big move, Top Applicant has your back!

Remote Work That Actually Works

No matter your background, Top Applicant is here to help you present yourself professionally and land that job. So, what jobs for stay-at-home parents do we recommend? Here are the top 3 industries and positions you should consider.


Before you keep scrolling, hear us out! Remote accounting presents some of the most secure, lucrative, and accessible jobs for stay-at-home parents. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to have a business degree to get started either! From freelance to full-time positions, this field presents some of the most flexible hours and great benefits(even for part-timers).

We recommend looking into positions for tax accounting, accounts payable, and data entry to get started in your career. This is also a great way to find a career after kids! As your kiddos grow, they’ll become more independent, which may allow you to work more hours, further your education, and eventually work in an office if you want!


Thousands of insurance companies that keep us all covered need people to keep the wheels turning behind the scenes. Remote part-time positions typically require little to no experience, and they often offer flexible schedules. This is one of the best industries with jobs for stay-at-home parents because of the highly diverse fields they can choose from.

Many insurance companies have positions in data management, support, and sales. Every position has its pros and cons, but this field allows you the freedom to grow your career, work flexible hours, and get great benefits!


Those interested in the insurance industry may also want to consider the healthcare industry for similar reasons. Both of these fields typically offer positions in support and data management. Unlike insurance, healthcare usually doesn’t require sales. This industry has thousands of great jobs for stay-at-home parents who are looking to help people while raising their children. Healthcare has many similarities with our accounting field recommendations as well.

Like the accounting field, the jobs available in this capacity are largely focused internally. A part-time remote job in healthcare can also lead to a full-time, on-site career, and it can help you further your education as you move forward. There are many other great industries at your fingertips as well, so we encourage you to look over all your options on our job listings.

Get Qualified

To land that perfect part-time job for parents, you’ll need a solid resume, a well-written cover letter, and a profile on Top Applicant. Even part-time jobs require interviews! So, use our platform’s features to put your best foot forward. You’re so much more than just a mom or a dad. So, make sure you show them what you’ve got!

What You Have

We don’t have to tell you that being a parent is a full-time job. However, not many job applications ask about your experience changing diapers or driving carpool. Instead, they typically ask for reliability, punctuality, and a strong work ethic. We’re here to say that scheduling play dates, waking up for every late-night feeding, and mitigating tantrums are great skills for any job for stay-at-home parents.

What You Need

The biggest hurdle that parents face is putting their experience on the page. That’s why Top Applicant takes your resume beyond the page. With our video integration, you can share how your experience as a parent translates to the workforce. Our in-depth resume also allows you to share your work experience, education, and portfolio all in one place. With all these tools at your disposal, the only thing you need to jumpstart your career is an account! 

Tips for Healthy Work-Life Integration

Well, you also might need a desk, a chair, and some headphones to block out the chaos. While you may have parenting down to a science, mastering work-life integration can be tricky. Here are a few tips to master life’s greatest balancing act.

Find Your Space

Put yourself in a position where you can be the most productive. You may be able to tune out Cocomelon, but you’ll be most productive without distractions. Remote workspaces can mean converting that closet into an office, finding a new favorite coffee shop, or setting up shop in a co-working space.

Make the Time

It may be tempting to get one more task knocked out on the weekend. However, your mental health will be much better when you’re able to clock out and check in with your family. On the other hand, many jobs for stay-at-home parents require a minimum number of hours, so while remote work is flexible, you’ll want to limit those Target runs. 

Enjoy the Benefits

Working doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy being a parent as well! One of the biggest benefits of jobs for stay-at-home parents is being able to take the time you need when you need it. The jobs we recommend give parents the chance to maximize their work-life integration. Remember to stay diligent, but make sure to enjoy time with your kids while you can.

Your Life, Your Time

This is one of the greatest times to be a part of your children’s lives, so don’t miss a second of it. Check out all of our great jobs for stay-at-home parents by logging in. While you’re at it, sign up for our newsletter to get insights sent right to your inbox!

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