How to Get a Promotion

When it comes to promoting qualified professionals, Top Applicant’s experts have decades of experience. So get reading to learn how to get a promotion from managers who make careers!

To secure your next promotion, there’s a staggering amount of nuances you should understand before making the big ask. From the moment those words come out of your mouth, your life may change forever. So you’d better make sure to say them right! 

The Big Ask

When crafting your proposal, be specific about when you’d like to discuss your promotion and share your enthusiasm for the opportunity! To build up to the big ask, timing and tact are how to get a promotion the right way. Here’s how to work both into a discussion with your manager:


When deciding how to get a promotion, set realistic expectations based on your experience, company culture, and current needs. Your manager might dismiss your request or feel pressured if the timing isn’t right. That’s why you need to choose a strategic moment for maximum impact.

If you’re in a busy season, avoid talking about a promotion when your manager is especially busy with deadlines and projects. We recommend choosing a time when they’re relaxed and receptive to new ideas. Performance reviews are a perfect opportunity to schedule your talk. During these periods, your metrics and goals are fresh in your manager’s mind. But before discussing a promotion, keep big changes like mergers or restructuring in mind.


Even if you’re at a small company, reintroduce yourself by expressing your excitement for the potential position. Use this opportunity to reiterate your value to the company by celebrating recent successes. 

A tactful approach lets you express your capability while sharing how the promotion aligns with your career goals. So, don’t just let this conversation be one-sided! Encourage questions and address any concerns openly. Show your willingness to learn and adapt.

Promotions often take time. So, even if your first attempt at having a conversation doesn’t work out, stay focused, keep demonstrating your value, and keep following up! Always display your interest in enrichment opportunities and ask for guidance, whether it’s further discussion, training, or an application. To learn more about how to make the big ask, check out our related article.

Related: How to Ask for a Promotion

Be Your Best Advocate

When you’re able to formally discuss your promotion, you’ll need to make it clear that you’re ready for the next step. The worst thing you can do is apply for a higher position without telling your supervisor. So, when you’re ready to take action, here’s how to be your best advocate:

Why should they promote you?

Companies would much rather hire from within than have a completely new member to train. But that doesn’t secure your spot for the promotion. To secure your position, give your manager clear, genuine reasons why you’re the top applicant.

Build Your Understanding

Depending on your company culture, open discussions about promotions might not be encouraged. It’s best to be mindful of your work environment before proceeding. Keep in mind that promotions are based on performance and impact. So, while expressing your interest is important, your efforts should focus on exceeding expectations and delivering results.

Genuine Progress

Promotions don’t just happen overnight. That’s why we recommend working with your manager to brainstorm and create a roadmap towards an eventual promotion. This could mean acquiring specific skills, taking on additional responsibilities, or achieving certain metrics before the promotion can happen. By making a plan with your manager, you have an agreed-upon pathway rather than an out-of-the-blue conversation.

Put in the Effort

As you keep grinding and meeting your marks, your manager can be a source of information. From identifying your strengths and areas for improvement to determining clear steps you can take to overcome obstacles, any info is good info! Discussing your interest early ensures you’re considered when promotions are anticipated within the company. 

By keeping your aspirations clear, your manager will be in a better position to negotiate aspects of the promotion, such as compensation, responsibilities, or start date. Early discussions also mitigate any unspoken expectations and tailor your career goals. This will prevent frustration or resentment if a promotion isn’t offered to you immediately.

Doers Don’t Dance

Tap dancing around your shortcomings is a surefire way to not get promoted. When addressing any concerns your manager brings up, avoid bringing up different topics instead of focusing on the issue at hand, or opting for ambiguity or indirect phrasing. Instead, provide explanations that directly address the core problem and answer their concerns with complete responses.

If you suspect your employer is dancing around your promotion, it can be frustrating for everyone involved. It can hinder communication, problem-solving, and understanding. If you’re tired of being stonewalled, try expressing your frustration plainly and professionally.

Start by calmly stating that you appreciate their position, but feel they’re avoiding the elephant in the room. Then, ask more directly or rephrase your initial proposal to encourage a more straightforward answer. Let your manager know that you expect a clear answer, and follow up by suggesting an alternative way to discuss their concerns and specific times for further conversation.

Doers Add Value

The most successful people who understand how to get a promotion fully utilize every aspect of their professionalism to their advantage. To secure the next step in your career, you’ll need to understand your company’s current challenges, aspirations, and any upcoming projects they’re focusing on. When discussing your promotion with a manager, there are 3 ways to set yourself up for success.

A Promotion Would Help the Company

Employees who help the company are those who utilize their skills to directly address the company’s needs and can contribute to company goals. So, emphasize your existing wins and use concrete examples of how you’ve previously solved problems, improved efficiency, or exceeded expectations in your current role.

To share how your promotion would help the company, quantify your impact whenever possible. Demonstrate proactive thinking by suggesting specific ways you can address current challenges or contribute to future plans in a higher position. Doers use data whenever possible in their careers.

A Promotion Would Help Your Manager

While you’re discussing the positive impact you’ve made, go beyond your core responsibilities.  Highlight specific times you’ve taken initiative, mentored others, or demonstrated leadership qualities. Use data, metrics, and percentages to demonstrate the tangible benefits you’ve brought to the company. Then, use those benefits to illustrate how you can help your manager overcome challenges, implement new ideas, or improve processes in your next role.

A Promotion Would Help You

Finally, it never hurts to share your personal reasoning behind wanting this promotion. While managers love to hear about how it benefits their interests, they also want to benefit you as well! To illustrate this professionally, recall some of the initial reasons you were drawn to work for the company, and share your vision for personal growth. With all 3 of these benefits on display in your discussion, you’re on the right track to getting that promotion.

Locking It Down

It may take some time, but trust us, Top Applicant’s experts have seen our fair share of professionals who persevere and figure out how to get a promotion the right way. That’s why we’re so confident that you’ll eventually lock down that promotion that you have in your sights. By staying true to yourself and being honest with your employer, you’ll likely see these green flags after your discussion:


Even if you don’t get an offer initially, your manager may regularly praise your work and contributions. They may even provide opportunities for you to take on new challenges and responsibilities to prove your worth. That’s why it’s so important to recognize achievements publicly and within your team. You never know who’s vying for their own promotion, and everyone loves to promote a team player!


Your employer may start to ask you to attend training, conferences, and workshops or develop new skills. Look for these to align with potential promotions before committing to anything. They may also encourage you to connect with mentors within the company. This will provide resources and insight to help you achieve your career goals. So, be open to feedback and guidance throughout your development!

We Promote Success

Being upfront demonstrates your intention and builds trust with your manager. It also shows you value open communication and are invested in your career within the company. So, promote your career with Top Applicant’s modern tools! Keep your profile up-to-date with new developments and track your career progress. We’re excited to help you grow!

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