Employees Ask: Do Networking Events Really Work?

So you’re thinking about going to an after-hours networking event. Maybe it’s to campaign for your company, or you’re hoping to find your next opportunity. It’s completely okay to be hesitant when deciding whether or not you want to go! 

After working all day, you most likely don’t want to talk about your job with strangers you barely know. But on the other hand, you never know who you’ll make a connection with! To help you decide, Top Applicant’s weighing in on whether that networking event is really worth your time. 

The Ideal Networking Event

Before you decide not to attend that networking event, consider what your ideal event would look like! How will you act at the event? What happens during your ideal event? What’s in it for you? In a perfect world, your event will likely go something like this:

Work the Room

As you arrive, you’ll be greeted by energetic people excited to introduce you. Looking around the room, you’ll instantly see some interesting people who don’t seem too busy to talk. To make your way around, we suggest crafting a mental pattern based on the shape of the room. Follow this pattern and introduce yourself to a few of the people who pique your interest. 

Meet Your People

While making your way around the room, you’ll ideally have some great conversations. In these talks, you should mix in your personality along with your professional prowess. If a talk feels too drawn out or dull, it’s perfectly okay to move on, following your pre-planned pattern. You’ll share relaxed, enlightening banter and make great connections.  

“Do you have a card?”

Of course, you do! The most helpful tool you have to make connections is a detailed business card. During an ideal networking event, you’ll pass along a few of these strategically as you make interesting and lucrative connections. After the event, make sure to put your new connections’ info into your phone and send follow-up emails to thank them for their time.

At the end of the day, an ideal networking event isn’t too different from how businesses network. To learn how businesses build connections, read our related guide!

Related: Business Networking Guide

The Reality of Networking Events

If all that sounds like your dream networking event, keep dreaming. The hard reality of these events sets in as you attend more and more events. So instead of spending hours learning how typical events really work, our experts share their experiences to save you some time.

They’re Long

Our experts agree that many of their least favorite events went on for far too long. If you ever feel like an event isn’t worth your time, it’s perfectly fine to leave. You should never feel obligated to stay at a networking event longer than you want to.

They’re Loud

It’s very difficult to have a meaningful conversation if you’re trying to yell over everyone else. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of large networking events. Trust us, a casual conversation over coffee is always more impactful than trying to be heard over music and event attendees. 

They’re Intimidating

Even small networking events can be intimidating. For those just starting to network, it’s perfectly normal to feel uncomfortable when approaching strangers. To push through that awkward feeling, remember that everyone else is likely just as uncomfortable as you are. If you just want to avoid that awkward feeling altogether, focus on building your network by using your contacts and going to events with colleagues or friends.

Top Applicant’s Verdict

So, what do Top Applicant’s experts think of networking events? Well, they’ve worked for some of us, but not for all of us. Everyone has their unique path when it comes to building their network. That’s why we built our platform to give everyone access to tools that make networking easy, no matter how you like to meet people. Live networking events may not be everyone’s cup of tea. But we encourage you to put yourself out there however you feel most comfortable.

The Modern Way to Network

To take your conversation beyond the old card swap at your next networking event, get started with Top Applicant! Create your profile to break the ice, build your resume and portfolio for free, and browse job openings with matchmaking that finds the right employer for you. What are you waiting for? Put yourself out there with the modern way to get hired!

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