Employees Ask: Why Are Summer Jobs Important for Students?

For millions of students across the country, summer break is anything but a break! If you’re looking to build your career—or just your bank account—summer jobs that cater to students are essential! Top Applicant’s top brass spent their summers working on farms, offices, and movie theaters, so we’re sharing first-hand insights into why students should consider a summer job.

Internship vs Employment

Before we dig too deep into our experience working summer jobs, for students especially, we feel it’s important to clarify the difference between an internship and employment. Typically, a summer job focuses on labor-oriented tasks, while an internship can have more skills-based learning opportunities. While both are important to career building, each comes with pros and cons

An internship can help you discover your ideal path and build important skills needed for a career. However, summer jobs for students offer flexibility and a great opportunity to build the core work ethics all employers are looking for. To find the right option for you, we recommend reaching out to your guidance counselor, career services department, or a family member! Here are some real-world insights to consider as you look for your summer job:

Ask a CEO

Eric – CEO of a Kansas City-Based Transportation Company

What was your first summer job?

I started working as a freshman in high school cleaning dog kennels for a couple of dollars an hour.

a boy is washing windows for his summer job

How did that experience impact your career?

It taught me what a really crappy job looks like! All jokes aside, this job helped me appreciate people on every rung of the career ladder. Waking up early on a summer morning to scoop poop isn’t everyone’s ideal summer break. But my experience working on that farm helped me build the strong work ethic that propelled me to where I am today. 

What’s your advice for a student looking for a summer job?

Everyone has to start somewhere. So, while I hope students using Top Applicant find jobs that don’t stink, these jobs are about building character over a career. Show up on time, do good work, and always be ready to help. No matter where life takes you, a good work ethic is key to building a great career!

Ask an Entrepreneur

Chad – Founder of Top Applicant

What are your most memorable summer jobs?

My first job in high school was scanning blueprints all day. I later worked in a meat processing plant.

a man makes a copy at a summer job

How did those experiences impact your career?

I didn’t really know what I wanted to do originally, but by trying different things, I found my career path. I learned how to stick to a process while working with blueprints, and I learned what a hard day’s work feels like. Both of these lessons created an inner desire to help others build a strong work ethic while providing opportunities to those who need it most. That’s why we built Top Applicant to be the most human way to get hired!

What’s your advice for a student looking for a summer job?

Use these jobs to find your niche. When you’re starting out, you can’t be picky when it comes to where you’ll work and what you’ll be doing. Most of these positions are entry-level, seasonally-based jobs that are hard to build a career on. So, even if long days in the sun and crazy customers aren’t your thing, take any experience you can get! You never know where it may take you.

a group of students are happy about their summer jobs

Your Career Starts Here

What are you doing this summer? If you’re looking to get a head start on your career, start here! Top Applicant is full of tools to build, track, and improve your resume. So, whether it’s your first summer job as a student or a career built on a solid work ethic, we’re here for you every step of the way. Get your job search started by signing in and building your profile!

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