Cracking the Code: How to Get Into IT

The field of information technology is one of the most infinite and exciting job markets in our modern world. No matter why you want to break into the world of IT, Top Applicant is here to help! While some “career gurus” make you pay for their secrets to a successful job hunt, Top Applicant doesn’t believe in gatekeeping anything. So here’s how to get into IT with our modern hiring platform!

Basics You’ll Need

Let’s start with the basics. If you’re just starting your career, you’ll need to make sure you have what it takes to break into this highly competitive industry. As with any job search, the right tools make all the difference in your career. Let’s start by discussing our tools built to help applicants navigate how to get into IT.

The Right Tools

Top Applicant is always innovating ways to build successful careers. You may not think about our features as tools. But when it comes to breaking into the world of IT, our features are some of the most valuable tools at your fingertips! 

Every Top Applicant has a profile where they can display their desired salary, list positions they’re interested in, and give a brief introduction. Our matchmaking filters through every job post to instantly match you with jobs that fit your profile. When it comes to applying, our resume builder makes it easy to professionally put yourself out there. These three tools are invaluable for applicants figuring out how to get into IT, but there’s one more thing that every Top Applicant needs before they start applying.

The Right Mindset

Confidence isn’t something that comes naturally. Whether you’re a seasoned employee or just starting out, your mindset is crucial when figuring out how to get into IT. Since this field is changing every day, the most successful employees are the ones who stay learning. 

To prepare yourself for success, we suggest building a clear plan of where you want your future to go and how you’re going to get there. This will help you create consistent messaging from your profile to your application. Every employer likes someone with a plan, and every employee deserves a fulfilling career. So get everyone on the same page by being honest and straightforward, whether it’s your final interview or your first resume.

Building the Right Resume

Your career is unique to you. So why waste your time trying to make your resume like everyone else’s? As you discover your unique path to getting into IT, there are 3 things Top Applicant resumes include that make our users stand out:


Whether you’ve got a doctorate in computer science or just the crucial certifications for your discipline, your resume should display every achievement you’ve worked hard for! As you build your resume on Top Applicant, our prompts make it easy to list certifications and degrees. For those just beginning to discover how to get into IT, this related feature shares some great resources to start learning!

Related Reading: 10 Steps to IT


Effective resumes should also include a link to your portfolio or a list of projects related to your previous work experience. Even if you’re moving from a different industry, your portfolio can show employers how you work independently and with a team. One of the most overlooked attributes of a top IT professional is personability. That’s why we suggest referencing team-oriented tasks or describing how you worked with others on projects listed in your portfolio.


You’re probably wondering what videos have to do with how to get into IT. Well, sometimes concepts in this field are hard to explain by writing them out. To add a deeper dimension to your resume, Top Applicant encourages our users to share video links on their resume. Our platform prioritizes transparency on all sides of the hiring process. 

With video, you can share details that may need to be completely understood with a conventional resume! You can also watch videos from employers that may include things like pre-interview questions and company details. Clarity is key when building your career. 

Find Your fIT

Now that you know how to get into IT with Top Applicant, it’s time to start building your career! Get started by signing up and building your profile, or sign in to see our latest job posts. We’re excited to help you become the Top Applicant employers are looking for.

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