10 Steps to Change Your Career to IT

Information technology positions are some of the most in-demand and high-paying jobs on the market. If you’re ready for more than a daily grind, you’re searching in the right place! Top Applicant has thousands of jobs to build ideal careers. So when you’re looking to change your career to IT, we’re here to help! These are your 10 steps to joining this incredible, ever-changing field:

1. Know What You Need

As with any job search, the first thing to understand is what you’ll need to be successful in your desired field. At Top Applicant, we’ve found that the right attitude can get applicants very far. However, there’s only so much that positivity can do when working with servers, networking, and other crucial tasks in this field.

Understanding code is a basic necessity to change your career to IT successfully. We recommend learning Python, SQL, Java, and JavaScript to start. The great thing about these languages is that you don’t have to go through a 4-year program to learn or use them! CIO recommends Apple pro training courses as well as MTA, CSM, and CTM certifications as some of the ideal entry-level certifications you need. 

2. Display What You Have

If you’re reading this with a degree or a certification, you have the basics to change your career to IT. But what you bring to the table is much more valuable than a piece of paper. Top applicants display attributes beyond knowledge and experience in every stage of the hiring process. What you have on the inside is truly just as valuable as your knowledge.

When you’re looking to make your career change to IT, no matter what company you’re applying to, make sure you have the basics on your profile to get hired. Honesty is the best way to start building your profile. Whether you’re just starting your career or changing things up, any work experience is also important to include, no matter what industry you’re in. Above all else, willingness to learn is an important attribute for making a successful career move. To learn how to use these attributes to break into IT, crack the code with a related read.

Related Reading: Crack The Code

3. Build Your Goals

Before taking a leap of faith to change your career to IT, we recommend some soul-searching first. Why do you want to get into IT? Where do you see yourself 5 years into your career change? Go ahead and ask yourself the hard questions before building your resume. This will give you a leg up when it comes to answers in your interview.

It’s completely understandable to be drawn to the high pay associated with IT, but you should never come off as greedy. Employers look for specific, measurable goals when discussing the future with prospective employees, so make sure you keep things clear.

4. Network and Research

To keep things clear, it’s important to understand the possible positions and responsibilities you’re suited for. In the vast field of information technology, there are thousands of focuses with very intricate differences. For example, you may aspire to be a networking specialist, but the operating system you specialize in will determine how and where you may fit in a company. 

When changing your career to IT, the details are what will make you successful. To discover your possibilities, we recommend starting with our current job listings. Look carefully at the job descriptions, not just the potential salary. This will help when discussing possibilities with current or former employees as you network. We also recommend doing some research with up-to-date resources, such as the US Bureau of Labor Statistics

5. Choose Your Focus

Here’s where things get fun as you change your career to IT. Choosing how you’ll work is just as important as choosing where you’ll work. With so many intricacies and possibilities in the ever-growing IT industry, there are many ways to become successful. However, as vast as this industry seems, true success lies in specialization.

As you research, you’ll find that there are multiple levels for each specialization. For example, if you’re applying for a position as a Linux networking specialist, you’ll likely see different levels following the title. These levels aren’t just to differentiate time spent in the industry; they designate the required certifications and potential education required.  

6. Get Schooled

When leveling up your knowledge to change your career to IT, there are two schools of thought. College is one of the first things that comes to mind when career builders think employers are looking for. However, skilled high school grads are getting job offers in this field without spending time and money chasing a degree. So what gives?

Not all IT positions require a wealth of knowledge or experience in various fields. As we said earlier, the name of this game is specialization. Collegiate programs, such as cyber security and systems engineering, are great ways to learn a broad range of skills in 2 to 4 years. But if you’re looking to make a move sooner, certifications are a great way to make your move. Here are a few places you can find useful certifications:

CompTIA A+ Certification

If there’s any certification that is more valuable than almost any other, it’s your A+. This industry standard covers the basics of everything from OS management and security to versatile networking and troubleshooting procedures. To change your career to IT successfully, we recommend visiting CompTia.org before applying anywhere. 

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

One of the most vital emerging disciplines in IT is cloud computing. To prepare for this field, Microsoft provides 4 entry-level courses to complete your full certification. You can find more details on this certification at Microsoft’s credentials page.

Certified Associate in Project Management

While this isn’t an IT-specific certification, the CAPM opens you up to even more opportunities as you’re looking to change careers. This certification prepares aspiring managers for entry-level project management positions in various industries. You can apply for this certification at the Project Management Institute

7. Build Your Resume

Whether you’re just starting out or branching out to new opportunities, every career move needs a clear, professional resume. That’s why we made it easy for everyone with our free resume builder. By just filling out a few boxes, your experience can be on display neatly and professionally.

While this is a high-demand field, employers are looking for the most qualified people possible for their positions. That means to change your career to IT, you’ll have to go above and beyond to rise to the top of the resume pile. Top Applicant helps our users do this by linking videos, sharing their portfolios, and matching their qualifications to job listings.  

8. Meet Your Match

At Top Applicant, we keep things simple. Instead of combing through thousands of job posts hoping to find the right fit, find the right position for you in just a few clicks. Our platform’s unique matching ability does the hard work for you. Employers also get notified of new matches for their positions, so don’t be surprised if you get a few invites! 

Matching with an ideal employer is one of the best feelings as you change your career to IT, but remember to stay selective. The company you choose is crucial to building a successful career, so as exciting as your first prospect might be, don’t settle!

9. Land That Job

Before your interview, prepare yourself by reviewing pre-interview questions and researching the company you’re interviewing with. We recommend researching and referencing recent projects pertaining to your specialization areas. This not only helps you sound well-versed, but it will also allow you to flex your intellect as you answer questions. Read these related articles to prepare for your interview.

Code of Conduct

How to Prepare

During your interview process, you’ll likely have multiple rounds of questions with different teams and managers. This is typically to find your niche within the company and ensure you’re the best fit for the job. You may also encounter some testing. These are to understand how you work. Everyone tackles tasks differently, so top companies are always looking for the most up-to-date techniques. No matter when you change your career to IT, our last step is key to a successful journey.

10. Open Yourself to Lifelong Learning

Does anyone truly know it all? Even the most highly skilled tech gurus will tell you that there is still so much they’d like to learn. So unless you can best the likes of Mark Zuckerberg or Meredith Whittaker, you’ve got some studying to do! 

The greatest thing about the information technology industry is that it’s truly infinite! With new tech emerging every single day, new positions open up just as fast. Ready to change your career to IT? You’ve come to the right place! 

Your Career Starts Here

How does Top Applicant know so much about the IT industry? How do you think we built our platform!? Our team is made of top professionals in our industry who continuously improve and create new solutions for employers and future employees to build the future. To start your career change to IT, it all starts by signing up!

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