5 Signs You Need a New Job

When you’re facing a challenging time at your job you have two options: fight or flight. Since you can’t (or rather shouldn’t) fight your boss, the first option is out of the question. Flight is the option millions of workers make every year. When you need a new job, Top Applicant is here to help you from your first application to your final interview. Here are the top 5 signs you need to jump ship.

No Flexibility

To illustrate these points, let’s look at your job like your personal relationships. For starters, if the person you’re dating is controlling who you talk to and what you do, that’s a huge red flag! To distract you, an abuser may gaslight or lie to coerce you into staying. Strangely enough, these are eerily similar behaviors to a toxic employer.

If you feel like your manager is heavily controlling everything you do, say, and feel on or off the clock, you need a new job. In many cases, feeling trapped in your job can result in substance abuse, depression, and can strain personal relationships. When you’re ready to take control, we refer to this as a lightbulb moment.

No Career Fulfillment

We’ve all had a relationship that just went nowhere. While Top Applicant can’t help you ditch that dead weight you’re dating, we can help you get out of a dead-end job! We recommend maintaining good standing with your current job as you find a new one to make your exit easy.

In your Top Applicant profile, we give you the opportunity to share what drives you. In your profile, you can share your desired salary and professional accomplishments, and you can personalize your path to career fulfillment. In our combined experience as hiring managers, we’ve found that employees perform better and stick around longer at companies where they feel fulfilled.

Hostile Work Environment

When you think about a hostile work environment, you may think about jobs that require a bulletproof vest or catching flying chairs. While most jobs aren’t that intensely hostile, don’t be fooled—watercooler talk can be just as dangerous as a disgruntled Waffle House patron.

From verbal abuse to gaslighting, hostile work environments can come in many shapes and sizes. That’s why we made your plan for escape easy. With video sharing capabilities, we suggest finding your inner vlogger to tell your story! This is especially helpful for anyone with employment gaps or hard circumstances that are better to be heard than read. Our professional tools are here to help you make a great escape.


If you’re reading this at work, you’re probably bored with your job (Meta, right!?). Believe it or not, there are hundreds of thousands of workers who put in less than 2 hours of work a day and get paid for 8. While this may sound like a dream if you have a hectic schedule, it can turn into a nightmare quickly and stall your career even quicker.

While boredom has its benefits, it can be just as dangerous as burnout. With minimal tasks, little responsibility, and no challenges, you’re likely to become complacent. To avoid falling behind in your career, our tools give your career the jolt of energy it needs. Our application tracking optimizes your job search to help you begin a new, exciting chapter.


In the wreckage left by the great resignation of 2022, employers found that many traditionally enjoyable careers, like healthcare and education, had the worst rates of burnout in history. Many nurses and teachers who made a career change cite unbelievable conditions no employee should ever have to endure.

Even if your job doesn’t require you to buy your own materials or stay up for multiple days, burnout can exist in many ways. That’s why Top Applicant makes communication simple and easy between applicants and employers. It may seem like you don’t have time to apply for a new job or build a rock-solid resume, but our tools and resources are designed to streamline the entire hiring process.

Find Your Way Out

If you’re experiencing any of these, there is a way out! To start feeling, working, and building your career better, sign up for a free profile on Top Applicant. When you sign in, you’ll get access to every unique feature designed to get you out of a slump and into a successful career. We’re happy to help you build a fulfilling career the modern way!


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