How To Conduct an Interview According to Our Experts

Modern companies move quickly. Breakneck speeds mean that sometimes even hiring managers don’t know every in and out of effective interview processes. Whether it’s your first interview or you’re just looking to brush up your skills, Top Applicant has your back. We built our platform upon decades of hiring experience in various industries. Take a peek at our recommendations for how to conduct an interview. 

Spend Your Time Wisely

You know that time is money right? Why waste your time on candidates who you don’t feel completely comfortable with? Top Applicant makes this stage of the process easy by including comprehensive matchmaking to determine if an applicant’s requirements meet the stipulations outlined in your job description. This helps you decide how to conduct an interview efficiently by showing you the best candidates to prioritize.

Address the Elephants in the Room

Who really likes icebreaker questions? Instead of getting to know every candidate individually, Top Applicant makes the interview process a breeze by incorporating video integration into every company and applicant profile. By reviewing prescreening videos, employers can get to the hard questions quicker. It may feel awkward the first few times, but discussing elephants in the room such as job jumping or gaps in education and employment are important parts of every interview.

Discuss Pay and Benefits

This is one of the hottest topics in modern interviews. That’s why we made it easy for candidates to understand exactly what they’re signing up for. Every free job listing should include pay and benefits information to allow our comprehensive matchmaking to find the best candidates and promote your listing effectively. This may help to initially determine how to conduct an interview. However, you should always be ready for negotiations. Stay flexible if your best candidate is reasonably negotiating their benefits or salary.

Keys to Culture

One of the most overlooked aspects of how to conduct an interview is talking about company culture. Modern job seekers are prioritizing culture and DEI now more than ever. For many applicants using our platform, building their career at a company they’re proud of is just as important as landing a job. To give potential candidates a glimpse into your company culture, you can upload a video or share some insights in your company description or job posting.

Give Some Background

Part of the modern push for diversity, equity, and inclusion revolves around company and employee backgrounds. As you decide how to conduct an interview, make sure you leave room for questions about your own background and details about company ethics and the overall mission statement. 

This not only humanizes the interview process but also works to help candidates envision themselves working for your company. To take this a step further, we recommend utilizing our social media connectivity to get in touch with potential candidates in order to provide insight into your company on a more informal level.

Follow-Ups and Correspondence

Many rookie hiring managers fail to understand the ripple effects the process has as they learn how to conduct an interview. But our experts at Top Applicant suggest anticipating follow-ups with more than just your final choice. That’s why our platform makes it easy to find and reach candidates regardless of whether they are your final choice or not. Correspondence is key to maintaining a healthy employee roster, so make sure to keep in contact with strong candidates.

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The world of business is changing every day. Why rely on the same old hiring practices when you’re looking for candidates on the cutting edge? Sign up to start finding, interviewing, and hiring the latest top applicants.