Online Portfolio Tracking

Track Your Performance

Your resume is rock solid. Your portfolio is chocked full of projects. So how can you tell if your hard work is paying off? With Top Applicant’s online portfolio tracking, you can watch your application rise to the top!

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Your Career’s Crystal Ball

  • Views Image

    How can you tell if the company you applied to actually viewed your app? With our online portfolio tracking, each application is uniquely tracked to tell you new and repeat views. This allows our users to tell how interested potential employers are. But we don’t stop there.

  • Sent Resume Views Image

    By tracking sent resume views, you can see who opened your application, where they opened it, and how many times they opened it! This portion of the online portfolio tracking reports this detailed data in order to give you an idea of who you may speak to and how interested they are. We provide this detailed information to take the guesswork out of applying for jobs.

  • Overview Image

    Overview allows you to track your total views each day of the month. This will enable you to predict timelines and track your progress in real-time. By calculating your total views in one month, our online portfolio tracking gives you detailed, real-time data to improve your resume’s performance, and land that dream job!

Data-Driven Career Decisions

Progress Takes Practice

While Top Applicant provides some of the most advanced tools to help your job search, you’re always in control of your career. We include online portfolio tracking to give every applicant the insights they’ve been missing with traditional applications.

By understanding the ins and outs of your application’s performance, you can improve your resume by using our other resources as well. Our helpful insights are focused on making every applicant a top applicant. Online portfolio tracking is just one of the many ways you can level up your job search to land that dream job.

How Our Data Works for You

  • When your career's on the line, do you really want to play a guessing game with your application? The analytics in our online portfolio tracking allows you to understand which applications work and which ones are struggling to get seen.

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  • To understand more about your career search and how to improve your cover letter and resume, we provide tips tricks and job insights in our blog. Online portfolio tracking only goes so far. Learning the best practices for your job search is key to becoming a top applicant.

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  • By combining data from your application and online portfolio tracker, match maker will suggest jobs you're best suited for. As you continue your job search, our match maker improves recommendations based on prior performance and improvements you've made along the way.

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  • Top Applicant also helps employers find the best candidates for their positions. As you improve your resume and cover letter with insights and data from our online portfolio tracking, your profile will be in front of more employers. More exposure, leads to more invites, so keep an eye on your dashboard!

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Success Starts Here

Sign up to succeed in your job search with our online portfolio tracking!

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