Top Applicant’s Code of Conduct for an Interview

Whether this is your first rodeo or you’re tired of getting overlooked for jobs, it’s important to present yourself in the most professional way possible in your job search. That’s why the hiring experts at Top Applicant are happy to present our code of conduct for an interview. These are the top 5 things to keep in mind in order to have an effective interview experience:

1. Prepare for Success

Preparing for any interview is essential. To prepare effectively, this code of conduct for an interview is what sets you apart from the competition. Make sure you do your homework about your role, the company you’re applying to, and the people interviewing you.

It takes a lot to prepare for an interview. That’s why our hiring experts explain how to prepare effectively in another blog all about how to prep for an interview.

2. Be On Time

If someone told you that you would be handed thousands of dollars if you could show up on time for an event, wouldn’t you be there? Well, that’s exactly what being on time for an interview helps with! We can’t guarantee you’ll land the job, but we can guarantee you’re going to have a tougher interview if you’re late.

If you have to reschedule your interview, no sweat! Packed schedules happen, and employers understand. Read the ins and outs of rescheduling.

3. Read the Room

Context is key to understanding how to answer questions in an interview. When it comes to this interview code of conduct, remember that your interviewers are people too! If they seem very serious or off-putting, it most likely isn’t you. 

Everyone has bad days, so instead of letting a bad attitude affect your professionalism, stay upbeat and optimistic. Interviews are nerve-wracking on both sides of the table, so focus on putting your best foot forward, and keep your responses positive. You may just brighten your interviewer’s day!

4. Relax

Our hiring experts have hired hundreds of employees, and we’ve seen our fair share of stressed-out candidates. To calm your interview anxiety, take your time answering questions, and be mindful of your breathing. If you’ve done your homework and you’re sticking to our interview code of conduct, you’ll be just fine. Don’t start your job stressed out—give yourself some grace if you flub a word or two, speak clearly, and land that job!

5. Be Honest

‘This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day’

– Polonius, Hamlet

Shakespeare said it best: honesty is the best policy. This code of conduct for an interview is just as true now as it was at the turn of the 17th century when those words were written. You may not be an heir to a throne, but that doesn’t mean you can bend the truth in an interview. 

Our hiring experts have seen our fair share of tall tales, and all of them suck. The most successful applicants focus on the “we” over the “me” when talking about their projects. This shows that you’re a team player and that you’re truthful about giving credit where it’s due.

Bonus: Be Patient

We couldn’t stop with just 5 codes of conduct for an interview! Keep in mind that there are thousands of great applicants out there just like you. So it’s totally normal not to land the first job you apply for. If that interview didn’t go the way you hoped, stay patient and keep applying. It takes time to build a successful career. 

New Year, New Job?

We couldn’t be more excited to help you start the new year in a job you’ll love. This is the year your career comes together. So use Top Applicant’s helpful resume builder and job posts to get your next interview. Then follow this interview code of conduct to land that job!

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