“Help! I need to reschedule an interview!”

You’ve double-booked yourself, and you’re not sure what to do. It happens to the best of us! That’s why Top Applicant is here with real-world advice from real hiring managers. To respect your hopeful employer’s time and your priorities, here are a few things top applicants can do to reschedule an interview.

Two Days Out

Figuring out how to reschedule an interview best starts with plenty of notice. We suggest double-checking your schedule at least two days before your interview. When our hiring experts put together their latest rescheduled interviews, they found that almost all successful applicants notified them at least two days in advance about rescheduling. 

Related Reading: Code of Conduct

Being respectful of a potential employer’s time is part of maintaining a good code of conduct for your interview. While this is ideal, sometimes things come up. Don’t worry; all hope is not lost.

One Day Out

As early as you can, reach out to the person who scheduled your interview. We suggest an email followed up by a call if you don’t get a response within a few hours. The name of this game is honesty, transparency, and flexibility. Our team of hiring experts understands that everyone is human, so take a deep breath and start composing your email to reschedule an interview.

Think Before You Email

Quick thinking is just as important as thorough forethought about your email. In a panic, it can be stressful to think of the right words to say. That’s why you need to consider some key points before hitting send. As you figure out how to reschedule an interview effectively, ask yourself the following questions:

Is this worth rescheduling?

Your time is valuable, so whether you have two conflicting interviews or an important obligation, you need to consider the cost of rescheduling an interview. Don’t get us wrong; rescheduling an interview doesn’t necessarily ruin your chances of being hired. But if you do have to choose, make sure you consider the next two questions before becoming a no-show. 

How flexible can I be?

It isn’t a stretch to be flexible when rescheduling an interview. Could you afford to take some PTO? Is bowling night really that important? This is also a question your employer will have to answer as well, so aim to be courteous of their time. You may even want to consider clearing your schedule for a few days following the initial interview date to be ready for a callback.

Who do I need to contact?

To successfully reschedule an interview, you’ll need to get in touch with the right people. Typically, a Top Applicant employer profile will have some general contact information for hiring managers. However, it’s always important to go through your conversations leading up to scheduling the interview.

Who sent you the email to confirm the interview? How did they contact you? Retrace your steps and include everyone important in the same email. Now that you’re composed, hit compose, and let’s get started!

Email Inspiration

Subject: John Q Request to Reschedule Month/Day/20?? Interview


To whom it may concern, 

Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the POSITION NAME position at COMPANY NAME. Unfortunately, I have a conflict for the time we scheduled. I would like to reschedule an alternative time that works for both of us equally. 

I am available at SUGGESTED DAY/TIME 1, or SUGGESTED DAY/TIME 2. I can also make time available on SUGGESTED DAY. Please let me know your preferred time at your earliest convenience. 

Thank you again for this opportunity!

John Q


These are the bare bones of a successful email to reschedule an interview. So feel free to use this template as much or as little as you want. Just make sure to give multiple suggestions for alternatives as close to the original meeting time as possible, and stay professional while preparing for your interview.

Related Reading: How to Prepare for an Interview

Why Are You Still Reading?

Now that you know how to reschedule an interview, get to work! Time’s a wastin’, so message your future employer on Top Applicant or fire up your email with confidence. Sign in to get started with our modern career-building tools.

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