Conflict Resolution Strategies

Breaking Down the Best Ways to Handle Conflict in the Workplace

As much as we’d like to avoid it, friction happens in every workplace. If left unchecked, conflicts can severely affect productivity, company culture, and employee mental health. No matter where you’re at on the corporate ladder, it’s always helpful to have effective conflict resolution strategies. To give you the tools you need to overcome a difficult situation, Top Applicant’s experts are here with a quick guide!

Always Start With Active Listening

It may be difficult to lower the temperature at times, but trust us, there is power in taking a deep breath and having a civil conversation. Resolving any workplace conflict starts by talking things through on the same level. Here are 3 steps to have a civil, enlightening conversation.

  • Focus – Pay attention to what the other person is saying through words and body language.
  • Reflect – Instead of reacting or getting defensive, state your understanding of their account to show perspective. (This also gives them a chance to clarify any potential misunderstandings.)
  • Empathize – Show that you respect their point of view, even if you don’t agree.

Collaborate to Solve the Problem

Instead of going off into your respective corners or venting to others about your frustrations, take the initiative to address and start to resolve the conflict together. Use these steps to collaborate and overcome the obstacle at hand.

  • Benefit Both – Instead of trying to win, focus on finding solutions that benefit everyone involved.
  • Brainstorm – Work together to discuss multiple solutions that may resolve the conflict.
  • Compromise – Be willing to give and take as needed to reach a mutually agreeable outcome.


Communication is Key

Effective communication is essential to building successful conflict resolution strategies. We also recommend finding a neutral third party to mediate your discussion if necessary. Whether it’s directly to the other party, or through a mediator, focus on “I” statements that describe your perspective without blaming someone else. This promotes clear, honest thinking on both sides to come to a unified resolution.

Focus on Interests, Not Positions

In any conflict, both sides just want to be understood. To better understand the other party’s needs, show an interest in why they formed their position. This helps both of you discover points of agreement and builds common ground to create a resolution. 


Building Bridges Better

While every conflict has its own unique resolution, Top Applicant always advocates for finding equitable solutions. Through a deep devotion to understanding each other and working towards a common goal, Top Employers and Employees can build better conflict resolution strategies for the future of work. 

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