For applicants

Find the Right Fit Faster

Job hunting is stressful enough without trying to keep track of hundreds of applications just to end up with dead ends! Top Applicant’s founder experienced these hardships firsthand. That’s why we’re dedicated to sharing a platform designed for applicants to get hired the human way!

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For Applicants By Applicants

Build Your Profile

Through a comprehensive survey every Top Applicant shares personal and professional details. Our platform uses those responses to serve up positions customized to meet everyone's individual career goals!

Digging Into Data

No longer do you have to have mountains of sticky notes and red string on your vision board to actualize the job of your dreams! Instead of cooky techniques, our tech is driven by raw data to share the most up to date info about every potential job for applicants.

Go Pro, Get Noticed

To rise above the rest much faster, Top Applicant is rolling out our boosting features for applicants to get every competitive edge possible. Never miss out on another open door again! Go pro and level up your career!

Beyond the Resume

As much as we love data driven success stories, no one builds a career without going beyond the page when submitting their resume. Top Applicant makes it easy for applicants to rise above the typical stack of resumes by including things like pre-screening responses, video links, custom portfolios and so much more!

Plan for Growth

The common problem many platforms run into is a potential plateau for their applicants. Our intuitive platform can help you power through career plataus by giving you hard facts and insights on how to leverage them for success. Get your career going with the latest info for Applicants to learn straight from Top Applicant's hiring experts.

Who’s Here for Applicants?

That’s a hard question that Chad Bruder had to answer as he embarked on his own career journey. From farm life, to office politics, he’s well versed in every level of employee relations across many industries. Chad has been working since 2018, with guidance from his father Eric, to develop a new hiring platform for applicants to finally be seen and heard as they should be.

Chad faced many adversities in his earliest career moves, but never gave up hope. With so much valuable advice from his father and other professional friends, he found his struggles were actually very common! To solve these common issues, Chad worked with a Kansas City web development company to turn Top Applicant into the powerhouse platform we are today! Whether you’re here for your first job, or your last move before retirement, Top Applicant will grow with you and ensure that you’re a Top Applicant in any field!

Boosting Success For Applicants

Top Applicant automatically levels the playing field for every job search by making our platform completely free. But with paid boosts to every application, Top Applicants get found faster than those who choose to use our tools for free.

Think of this like a megaphone for your profile on Top Applicant. This shows that you’re excited, engaged, and ready to invest in your success with your prospective employer. So don’t be shy, boost your next application to hear back faster!

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Here for Every Career Move

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